General Services

Energy, Climate and Environmental Law Services

Strategic advice

Today’s climate change challenges require a holistic strategic approach. We work with our clients to develop and implement interdisciplinary solutions tailored to each individual case.

Outsourced legal department

Legal issues are becoming increasingly complex, particularly in the energy and climate change sectors. We advise our clients on the full range of legal issues that arise and keep abreast of the latest and most relevant changes in the regulatory framework applicable to their industry.

Litigation / Arbitration / Mediation

We stand by our clients. We represent their claims with dedication and negotiation skills. Our knowledge and respectful approach to all parties in a dispute make us successful out-of-court mediators. If necessary, we represent our clients in all court and arbitration proceedings.

Drafting contracts

Heat supply contracts, process contracts for electricity and gas supply networks, contracts for decentralised energy supply projects, standard terms and conditions: We draft and prepare contracts for our clients for all types of energy supply projects: We design and draft long-term and complex energy contracts for our clients, review third party contracts and negotiate with all parties.

Webinars/In-House Training

We organise webinars and in-house training on all aspects of energy law, providing clients, companies and other stakeholders with the necessary information: We provide clients, companies and professional and interest groups with quick and uncomplicated updates on relevant laws and regulations, their impact and implementation options. We approach this with great enthusiasm for our fields of expertise.

Energy, Climate and Environmental Law Services


We assist clients in the selection of subsidies for heat generation systems and heating infrastructure. We check the eligibility requirements and provide support from the application stage, through any necessary coordination with the BAFA, to successful utilisation. We also advise on the possibilities of cumulating subsidies.

  • Checking eligibility
  • Selection of subsidies
  • Submitting the application
  • Coordination with BAFA
  • Cumulation of subsidies


The term contracting, which is not defined in German law, covers a variety of forms of local energy supply and contract design. Both companies within a group and external providers are classic contractors, acting as independent companies with a financing function, planning, constructing and operating decentralised energy supply projects. The reason for this is often "unbalanced" financing, which requires a professionally designed long-term contract.

For more than twenty years, Aecoute° lawyers have successfully advised developers, investors and local companies on the search, tendering and selection of contractors as partners.

  • Search and selection of contractors
  • Tendering for contractors
  • Drafting long-term contracts

Direct Marketing

We advise on all three forms of direct marketing: subsidised direct marketing under the EEG, direct supply in a geographical context and direct marketing without subsidies in the form of other direct marketing (also known as PPA). We assist operators, purchasers, intermediaries and traders in the design of master templates and in the negotiation and selection of the possible forms of marketing.

  • Subsidised direct marketing / EEG
  • Direct supply in a geographical context
  • Non-subsidised direct marketing / PPA
  • Design of master templates
  • Negotiation and selection of possible marketing forms


PPAs refer to other forms of direct marketing, whether under the EEG or completely outside the EEG. Sometimes direct supply is also referred to as such on the market. We advise operators or purchasers, intermediaries and wholesalers on the selection of appropriate contracts and also combine different contract forms for our clients, from purely financial/virtual to physical via a direct line from producer to consumer.

  • EEG
  • Operators or buyers, intermediaries and wholesalers
  • Financial/virtual and physical

Electric mobility

The "fuelling station" for mobility is increasingly shifting from the road to car parks and garages at professional and private locations with decentralised energy supply. The task here is to develop targeted concepts, create contractual structures, set up charging stations and design digitisation with a sensible metering system as the basis for functioning billing processes.

We take a holistic approach to analysing all relevant legal issues for our clients.

  • Contract structures
  • Installation of charging points
  • Digitisation of metering and billing
  • Functioning billing processes

Energy and electricity tax

Although electricity and energy taxes were introduced temporarily more than 20 years ago, they still exist. Avoiding and limiting electricity and energy taxes is important for decentralised energy supply projects and their economic viability. The complexity is high, as the analysis of an optimisation needs to be based not only on the size and type of energy generation plant, but also on the use of energy and the number of participants in a supply chain.

Aecoute° lawyers have been involved in electricity and energy tax law since its inception and are able to identify the optimal conditions for decentralised energy supply projects and implement them in constructive coordination with the relevant main customs offices.

  • Avoidance and limitation of electricity and energy taxes
  • Coordination with main customs offices

Energy supply in leases

We advise energy suppliers as well as heating and cooling customers on how to pass on energy costs in leases.

  • Passing on costs in leases


We advise on the implementation of the legal requirements for the unbundling of network operations from competitive activities, including the resulting issues of structuring vertically integrated energy utilities.

  • Implementation of legal requirements
  • Unbundling of network operations
  • Structuring of vertically integrated utilities

European and national emissions trading

With rising prices, both European and national emissions trading are becoming increasingly important for heat generation and pricing in the heating sector. We advise heat suppliers and customers on how to deal with emissions costs and how to pass these costs on in heat supply and rental contracts.

  • Pricing in the heat sector
  • Advice for heat suppliers
  • Advice for heat customers
  • Passing on costs in heat supply and rental contracts

Promotion of combined heat and power plants

Making the most of the opportunities offered by the CHP Act can be very important for the economic viability of decentralised energy supply. Depending on the size of the plant, the fuel, the grid integration, the energy use and the supply chain to the end user, the funding opportunities and funding rates are structured differently. The effects and exclusions of overlaps with other support options and the provisions of other laws and regulations must also be taken into account.

On the cost and levy side, there are permissible options for minimising costs that can be contractually agreed.

Aecoute° lawyers were involved in the original drafting of the CHP Act, acted as experts in the legislative process, and conducted and supported numerous landmark court cases up to the Federal Supreme Court, with favourable outcomes for the respective clients.

  • Optimal use of the possibilities offered by the Cogeneration Act
  • Examination of the effects, e.g. in the case of overlapping with other promotion possibilities
  • Examination of exclusions
  • Options for minimising costs

Promoting renewable energy

Making the most of the opportunities offered by the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) can be crucial to the economic viability of a decentralised energy supply. Depending on the size of the system, the type of drive, grid integration, energy use and the supply chain to the end user, the funding opportunities and rates are structured differently. The implications and exclusions in the event of overlap with other funding opportunities and the provisions of other laws and regulations must also be taken into account.

Aecoute° lawyers have been involved in shaping the EEG in its original form, have acted as experts in the legislative process, and have conducted and supported numerous landmark court cases all the way to the Federal Supreme Court, with favourable outcomes for the respective clients.

  • EEG
  • Effects on overlaps with other support schemes
  • Examination of exclusions

Guarantees of origin

In the context of the need for decarbonisation, we advise the energy, property, commercial and industrial sectors on green heating products and certificates of origin in the heating sector.

  • Decarbonisation
  • Green heating products
  • Guarantees of origin in the heating sector

Billing of heating costs

We advise real estate, commercial, industrial and other businesses on legal issues relating to the billing of heating costs in tenancy or lease agreements.

  • Property management, commerce, industry and other sectors
  • Heating costs in tenancy or lease agreements

District heating planning

We advise all stakeholders (municipalities, energy suppliers, etc.) on legal issues related to municipal heating planning and assist in the review, drafting and implementation of district heating statutes.

  • Municipalities, energy suppliers, etc.
  • Review, drafting and implementation of district heating statutes

Concession contract law

We advise on the conclusion of concession agreements for electricity and gas supply networks. We also advise on legal issues relating to the rights and obligations arising from concession agreements, including the payment of concession fees. We also assist with concession award procedures in the water sector.

  • Conclusion of concession agreements
  • Rights and obligations, e.g. concession fees
  • Granting of concessions in the water sector

Metering / Digitisation

We advise our clients on the requirements and implementation of heat metering. This concerns both the relationship between the heat supplier and the heat customer, and the relationship between the heat customer and the tenant/leaseholder.

  • Metering
  • Ratio heat supplier - heat customer
  • Ratio heat customer - tenant / leaseholder

Network tariff Regulation

We advise operators and owners of gas and electricity supply networks on all operational and strategic issues relating to network tariff regulation. This applies in particular to decisions on the long-term orientation and profitability of network operation and to communication with the regulatory authorities in ongoing proceedings. Where necessary and economically viable, we conduct legal proceedings to review and correct the decisions of the regulatory authorities.

  • Operational and strategic focus
  • Economic efficiency of network operations
  • Communication with regulators
  • Legal proceedings

Object supply

Decentralised energy supply is generally designed for a specific energy demand with definable area boundaries. Legislation distinguishes between customer systems and closed distribution networks, as opposed to general supply networks with different regulatory requirements. In addition to the legally defined areas, there are areas, properties and neighbourhoods that are in a grey area of the legal interfaces for customer installations in closed and general supply network areas. These include industrial and commercial areas, airport areas, exhibition centres, residential areas, large shopping centres and a variety of other land uses.

Aecoute° lawyers have designed, drafted and implemented decentralised energy supply projects for all types of site management encountered in practice. In many cases, effective solutions have been found in consultation with the authorities and interested parties, and in some cases legal assistance has been successfully used.

  • Customer systems and closed distribution networks as opposed to general supply networks
  • Grey areas at interfaces
  • Industrial areas, business parks, airports, exhibition centres, residential areas, large shopping centres

Legal requirements for energy efficiency (GEG)

We advise the property industry and energy suppliers on the regulatory requirements of the Energy Performance of Buildings Act. We clarify legal issues regarding primary energy factors and energy requirements, as well as requirements in public and private residential and non-residential buildings.

  • Requirements of the Building Energy Act (BEA)
  • Primary energy factors
  • Requirements in public and private residential and non-residential buildings

Power to X

Fossil fuels are being replaced by renewable energy sources. The direct use of electrical energy is not technically and/or economically feasible in all processes and applications. The use of hydrogen or gaseous renewable energy sources (RFNBOs) is becoming necessary in the fields of air, sea and heavy-duty transport, as well as in energy-intensive industries. Hydrogen is an energy source that has not yet played a significant role in energy supply. The infrastructure for production, storage and transport needs to be developed in line with the transformation of the gas infrastructure and the expansion of renewable energies. We advise on grid connection and grid access for storage and electrolysers. We also support the development of gas infrastructure as part of the transition.

  • Hydrogen
  • Renewable gaseous energy sources (RFNBOs)
  • Hydrogen production, storage and transport infrastructure
  • Grid connection and access for storage and electrolysers
  • Development of gas infrastructure

Pricing and price escalation clauses Update

We advise on all legal issues relating to the design of heat tariffs and prices. We assist in the drafting of price escalation clauses for both suppliers and customers. In addition to the legal assessment of price escalation clauses, this also includes the extra-judicial and judicial enforcement of any claims and litigation.

We are currently advising on issues relating to price adjustments and dealing with the gas and heat price brake, as well as the implementation of the change in VAT on gas and heat supplies.

  • Structuring of heat tariffs and prices
  • Price escalation clauses for suppliers and customers
  • Enforcement in and out of court
  • Dealing with the gas and heat price brake
  • VAT changes for gas and heat supplies

Neighbourhood development

Neighbourhood development raises many energy law issues, as the neighbourhood requires electrical, thermal and kinetic energy. We advise on the development of appropriate supply solutions through distributed generation, third party procurement, in-house procurement and the development of appropriate infrastructure.

  • Electrical, thermal and kinetic energy
  • Development of appropriate supply solutions
  • Development of appropriate infrastructure

GHG quota (Greenhouse gas quota)

Utilising the GHG quota can generate additional revenue. We can help you understand the regulatory framework and how to market and generate revenue from the quota. We help bundlers draft and implement GHG quota transfer and brokerage agreements.

  • GHG quota revenues
  • Marketing GHG quota revenues
  • Contract design
  • GHG quota transfer agreements
  • GHG quota brokerage agreements

Levies and charges

The levies, taxes and charges imposed by the government and levied on domestic and industrial end-users are closely related to the charges for the use of energy networks. We examine in which cases special rules apply that lead to a reduction in the economic burden of levies and charges.

  • Special rules for levies, taxes and charges imposed by the State
  • Reduction of economic burden

Drafting contracts

Although the contractual content of the civil-law agreements to be concluded in the regulated network area is largely determined by statutory or official regulations, there is a need in various areas to establish legally secure and economically appropriate solutions by means of contracts. This applies, among other things, to agreements on special charges as defined by Section 19 (2) and (3) StromNEV or Section 20 (2) GasNEV. We support market participants in negotiations for the conclusion of such agreements as well as in the conclusion of other civil law contracts in connection with the operation, takeover or transfer of infrastructure facilities

  • Preparation of legally compliant and economically reasonable solutions
  • Agreements on special charges (Section 19 (2) and (3) StromNEV or Section 20 (2) GasNEV) Civil law contracts in connection with the operation, takeover or transfer of infrastructure facilities

Heating law (AVBFernwärmeV, FFVAV etc.)

We have extensive expertise in advising on all issues relating to heat distribution and heat supply on the basis of the AVBFernwärmeV and FFVAV

  • Heat distribution
  • Heat supply
  • AVBDistrict heating

Heating networks and thermal storage

We assist clients with all legal issues relating to the construction and expansion of heating and cooling networks and heat and cold storage facilities.

  • Heating and cooling networks
  • Heat and cold storage

Public procurement law for the energy sector

Owners and operators of energy supply facilities are often public purchasers who have to comply with special rules when awarding contracts. We can assist you with the relevant procedures.

  • Procurement rules for public authorities

State aid law

Through state aid law, the EU Commission monitors compliance with the internal (energy) market without distorting national support measures or barriers. The EU Commission's guidelines on state aid for climate, environment and energy (KUEBLL) are particularly important in the energy sector. We categorise the support sought for individual projects within the aid framework and show whether it is permissible, if not under KUEBLL, then possibly as de minimis or on the basis of other exemptions

  • EU Commission Guidelines on State Aid for Climate, Environment and Energy (KUEBLL)
  • Admissibility of the proposed aid

Energy storage

Energy storage is a key component of the transformation. Storage can be pumped storage, underground gas storage, batteries or electrolysers. As diverse as storage systems are, so are the regulatory frameworks that govern them. They are subsidised by a complex set of regulations, for example as thermal storage under the Combined Heat and Power Act (KWKG), as electricity storage through concessions in grid fees and in the case of costs imposed by the state, such as grid levies. We can assist you with the regulatory categorisation of the storage facility, such as the marketing of the capacity and the design as a producer and consumer or for smoothing profiles and offering flexibility.

  • Pumped storage
  • Underground gas storage
  • Batteries
  • Electrolysers
  • Thermal storage
  • Electricity storage
  • KWKG
  • Grid fees

Closed distribution networks, customer installations

Aecoute° advises on all legal issues related to the operation of closed distribution networks or customer facilities within the meaning of the Energy Industry Act. First and foremost is the legal and strategic decision on the categorisation of the infrastructure in question as a distribution network or customer facility. Aecoute's support also includes, in particular, assistance in proceedings before the competent regulatory authorities and in disputes with other market participants.

  • Classification as customer facility or distribution network
  • Operation of closed distribution networks

In the area of auditing and tax consultancy, including the preparation of audit reports for energy law matters, we work together with the auditing company IWSB – Innovative Wirtschafts- und Steuerberatung GmbH.

For companies in the property sector in particular, we work in many areas with RITTERWALD, a management consultancy firm operating throughout Europe with offices in Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Amsterdam and London.

Not sure if we can help you?
Then get in touch with us.
